Outcome of an extraordinary project

Report on the introduction of the new ERP system at Dr. Eckel published

A Mittelstand company takes the next obvious step towards Industry 4.0 by professionalising its production and warehouse operations by way of a new computer system specifically for planning and control. Nothing out of the ordinary, you would think. However, setting up the new ERP system at Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition was anything but ordinary, because the crucial implementation phase coincided with the beginning of the first coronavirus lockdown. It was an exhilarating ride from that point on, one that placed great demands on all involved right until: “It’s all systems go. We’re going live!”

Our service provider Cosmo Consult drew up an exciting report that gives a rundown of how the project progressed and how Dr. Eckel managed to roll out a new system entirely digitally, actually a first for a German company. The accounts given by those directly involved in the project, particularly that of project manager Ingrid Bauschinger (Dr. Eckel), faithfully chronicle the ups and downs of the project while detailing the initial planning, the expectations and requirements of the new system, the right process adjustments and, of course, the eternal questions: Will we make the deadline? Will all the systems be up and running by then? Will we be able to fulfil all customer orders and requests from the word go?

“We were absolutely on time and, apart from a few subsequent adjustments, hit the ground running,” concludes Ingrid Bauschinger, visibly relieved. “Thanks to the new system, our processes across the company, both nationally and internationally, are now more efficient, more transparent and faster. Our customers are extremely pleased with this, since they benefit from faster processing and even higher quality service. And the team is pleased because we too notice the benefits of the improvements every day.”

Read the full project report by Cosmo Consult here. (Only available in German.)